Castle Newnham is a federation of two schools (one primary and one secondary) coming together as one school community to provide all-through education for our children and families. There are 90 children per year group in primary and 150 in secondary. We therefore welcome children from other local primary schools into our Year 7 at age 11 and these children style quickly and well, soon becoming part of our federation family. Among these primary schools is Hazeldene with whom we have a 'soft' federation in that we work particularly closely together in Years 1-6 and offer a guaranteed place for any child who wants to join us in Year 7. Our own federation means that we have one Principal, one governing body and one set of policies to provide the maximum sense of continuity throughout a child's educational journey. It also means that our primary teachers are uniquely informed about the secondary curriculum and vice versa so that transition for all children at all stages is as smooth as possible.